
Ordering Chinese food in Vegas? Hungry Panda want to Help

Ordering Chinese food in Los Angeles? Hungry Panda want to Help

Leveraging their industry-leading delivery services, the Hungry Panda app seamlessly connects food, people and culture.

Hungry Panda goes further with Chinese Food  in Vegas

The ‘Golden Panda Award’ is a symbol of excellence in the global overseas Chinese food industry, setting the highest standard for culinary achievement.

It stands as the world’s exclusive international honor specifically dedicated to recognizing restaurant businesses in the food delivery sector. This prestigious award embodies commitment to promoting and celebrating outstanding achievements in the realm of international Chinese cuisine.

Kitty Liu from HungryPanda

Kitty Liu from Hungry Panda

Joe Winger: 

We are here today with Kitty Liu from HungryPanda

Help me get to know 

Kitty Liu: 

Hungry Panda serves a niche market for Asian communities.  We were established in 2017, founded in the UK when our CEO and the founding team were studying in Nottingham University.

The platform was born from a very simple, but compelling need experienced first hand, by the founders as international students, struggling to find authentic Chinese food in the UK. 

From that outset, Hungry Panda started to really focus sharply on that particular niche market, tailoring our user experience with Chinese interfaces to overcome culture and language barriers.

That’s how our app got started.  We are very lucky enough to be growing really fast within the past six years. 

Now we expanded into 10 different countries, including: US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, and Singapore.

Hungry Panda

Joe Winger: 

Different cultures, maybe different ways people use their phones, different apps.

What challenges has Hungry Panda faced as you enter the very competitive North America market?

Kitty Liu:

Local regulatory requirements that we need to meet.  Every country, every region has different regulations, and especially with food delivery.  

The U.S. is actually coming out with all the new regulations lately, therefore that’s one of the challenges as well.

Also intense competition from established local and global brands. 

When we entered the North American market, Door Dash, Uber, the giants, had already occupied the mass market.  In the Asian food delivery market, we also have competitors like, Chow Bus and others.

Obviously we were the new brand going to the market. 

Therefore, that’s the main challenge that we faced. But, we were actually quite confident and, lucky enough because we have a very good team structure. All of our team members have experience opening markets in different countries.

So unlike Uber or DoorDash, when they are opening a new market, for example, North American market and Australian market is very different. People have different consumer behavior. But for us the good thing is, although we are in different countries, we are serving the same type of people, which is the  overseas Asian customers, therefore the consumer behavior is rather similar.

Although we have the challenge, it’s easier for us to actually dive in and then adapt in a rapid rhythm.



Joe Winger:

Is North America the toughest audience when it comes to regulations?

Kitty Liu: 

With regulations, we’re talking more towards the drivers, how do we protect them?

Obviously there are minimum standards. Because what we call the “gig economy” is still considered a new industry, no matter what part of the world.  

North America, Australia, the UK, all the countries are coming out with new regulations to actually protect this particular industry.

We are all at the same stage, growing from a new industry to a more mature industry.

Joe Winger: 

Your company released a food trends report from 2023.  What’s the biggest takeaway? 

Kitty Liu: 

Consumer interest in the authenticity and quality in food.  

When you talk about Chinese food in North America or  the UK, the first thing you think of is actually Cantonese food because [it] arrived first.

Now we can see all the hot Sichuan hot pots and malatang, all these are more modern and, trendy or more northern cuisine start to really get in the picture. popularity. 

This is something that’s blowing our mind as well.

It’s a strong signal to the food industry to really focus on the authenticity, offering high quality ingredients. This is something I think is actually quite interesting.

Joe Winger: 

Talking about trends, anything was surprising?

Kitty Liu: 

The most popular category is definitely Boba tea.  Now, as.

As we can see the hot pot, stuff actually, coming on top of, all this fried chicken, bubble tea and stuff. That suggests our local consumers start to really adapt into a more authentic flavor Chinese food instead of people always ordering honey chicken, spring side pork. 

They learn to really understand, oh, that’s you know, Chinese people eat in China, they really start to learn and understand and admire about the spice actually in the food.

This is something actually I find quite interesting.

Joe Winger: 

That’s really a big change. 

Based on your 2023 report, any predictions for 2024?

Kitty Liu: 

The rise in the family demands, so AOV ( average order value) keeps growing. Food delivery is not growing accommodating only for one person, two person, but it’s starting to expand, for more towards a family’s demands. 

We can anticipate the age group that actually accepting or keep using the food delivery services actually start to grow and expand as well. 

Also predicting new services for delivery companies. We can actually see the trend that many people start to order.

Pick up orders  from the app and you can go straight to the restaurant to pick it up without waiting.  It’s helps you jump the queue.

When you order a pickup it’s actually cheaper than ordering at the shop itself.

 Therefore, this is actually one of the trends that we can see. It’s actually start to grow.

Joe Winger: 

How do your users want the experience to go for them?


Kitty Liu:

During the pandemic, everything had to be contactless. Therefore the pickup feature was actually created during that period and blossomed afterwards.

Joe Winger: 

Now you just mentioned the pandemic. Your company learned a lot from that experience, like how much packaging matters. 

Can you talk a little bit more about what you learned about packaging?

Kitty Liu: 

First thing we need to discuss is the difference between Asian food and Western food. 

When it comes to Chinese food, generally it’s very heavy on sauces. Therefore, restaurants have to elevate the packaging standards to ensure the food quality can remain consistent.

When you order Chinese food, you expect it to still be hot, to have the best of flavor. Iit often [comes] with soup and if the packaging is not good, it actually leaks. 

That has always been a challenge that Asian food delivery faces.

China created a new trend with laminate packaging to make sure all the packaging is sealed and kept warm. That helped the whole industry globally to maintain higher standards.

Joe Winger: 

There’s nothing worse than when you get the package to your house and it’s broken,  ripped, it’s spilled.

The superior packaging isn’t about looking pretty necessarily. It’s about keeping your food secure.

Kitty Liu: 

That’s right.  Another thing we have to consider is [being] environmental friendly.

The Chinese food industry has been blamed for using too much plastic to begin with. Therefore, the new packaging uses aluminum.

Sorry, this part, you probably need to edit, The metal

Joe Winger: 

So your Hungry Panda app itself has a lot of features. Can you let’s talk through some of the most popular features?

Kitty Liu: 

Comparing with other apps, one thing we find quite convenient is that on the front page we have a very full restaurant list with tabs: by distance, by popularity, by discounts, by reviews, by delivery times. So it’s very easy for you to access. 

Other apps  have the categories but limited restaurants. 

Joe Winger: 

What’s the best way for an Asian restaurant to make the most of this opportunity of this new food trend?

Kitty Liu:

I think In the age of technology leveraging online platforms for visibility, working with a food delivery platform is definitely one of the ways to help them really engage with consumers.

When we talk about foodies, they are young, they’re always on social media. They’re always online. Therefore, promoting yourself in front of them is very important. 

We use our channels to really promote different restaurants to help them to expand their reach within their comfort zone.

Joe Winger: 

What’s your favorite food? What would you order on your app?

Kitty Liu: 

My favorite food is [the same as] the trend report.  Sichuan malatang.

So that shows the report’s authenticity.  The audience like the food like a real Chinese person.

The reason why I like the malatang is because not only is it delicious, but it’s actually quite healthy as well.

It’s a hot spicy soup, but you put in fresh vegetables, fresh meat, it’s like you’re cooking your own hot pot

And it’s a very balanced and nutritious meal. Flavorful when you put all these different ingredients into one pot of soup. Brings you more flavors and it’s very fast [to make].

Joe Winger: 

What is Hungry Panda’s user coverage look like?

Kitty Liu: 

We have about 30 cities covered in the U. S. Obviously, New York, L.A., all major cities itself. I would be more than happy to provide you with the full on city list. We’re in Canada as well and just over 80 cities all around the globe.

Joe Winger: 

For the audience who’s watching and listening right now, what’s the best next step? How can they enjoy this app? 

Kitty Liu: 

If they haven’t downloaded it yet,give it a try.

For new users, we actually have new user vouchers available for them to have a few free deliveries. 

You can order to deliver, you can order to pick up it’s very convenient to use, very simple.  Obviously we have a much wider supply for Asian food.

Therefore, if you are a Asian food lover, you should have Hungry Panda on your phone.


Vegas Begs for Better Coffee, They Traveled the world to find it, Dr Christina Rahm from Rahm Roast Coffee

Vegas Begs for Better Coffee, They Traveled the world to find it, Dr Christina Rahm from Rahm Roast Coffee

Today we’re talking coffee!  The rich and delightful taste of Rahm Roast, crafted from carefully selected coffee beans straight from Guatemala.

Dr. Christina Rahm is a scientist, supermom, devoted partner, and the ultimate coffee aficionado! 

With a passion for detoxing and a mission to uplift lives, she’s not just about the lab coat life; she’s out there exploring the globe in pursuit of both science and the perfect cup of joe.

Today’s conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  For the full, un-edited conversation, visit FlavRReport’s YouTube channel here

Joe Winger: 

So what I love the most is your introduction, Dr. Christina Rahm, “Mother. wife, scientist and coffee lover.”

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

Thank you. Yeah I always start with mother. Now my kids are older. I’m like, am I supposed to say mother to adult children? They were such an integral part of my life. And hey, that was the reason I started drinking coffee. Just to be honest, I had to stay awake to take care of them.

Joe Winger: 

Do you remember what first inspired you to get interested in coffee?

Dr. Christina Rahm:

Motherhood, basically.. 

I grew up in a home where everybody loved coffee but me. I remember when I had my 1st child, and I was thinking, how do all these mothers stay awake? 

I worked back then too. It was a lot, working and taking care [of my first baby].

I was delusional because I thought I’m going to have my son, and I thought, I’ll go back to work on Monday. Cause you don’t know. I remember that Monday getting up and calling my mom and saying, “This is not doable.  What am I going to do?”

I had a job where they let me take him to work, but still it was a lot. And my mom was like, you’re going to have to drink coffee. 

So I started drinking coffee. 

My parents loved it growing up. They would offer us coffee with cream and sugar when we were little.

I grew up on a farm and  they would offer it and I’d be like, no, I don’t like it. I was the only one in my family that didn’t like it, but I learned to love it after I had a child. 

Then I three more [kids]. But I love the taste of it. 

Also, as a scientist, I had a pituitary tumor and different types of cancer.

When I started researching, you can’t ever claim that a natural substance cures anything, but I did notice there were certain types of coffee and coffee beans that caused cancer cell death, apoptosis. 

So it was one of the things that I added to my regimen. 

What happened was, the cancer metastasized and I was trying to eat everything from spirulina to coffee to resveratrol.

I did give up alcohol for a while. 

Then someone said one glass of alcohol is good because of the resveratrol. 

So I  added wine back in [to my diet].

But like I learned to love [coffee].   The more I researched it, the more I understood that it had mold and mitotoxins and it had all kinds of things.

Even though the pure bean could help from a physical perspective and from a healthcare perspective because of the pesticides and GMOs in the land, air and water that we have. 

I hate bringing up the topic because people [think] the environment’s not that bad. 

The problem is, regardless of your political stance, our environment is not healthy like it used to, because we’ve had so much pollution/

Nuclear war and when a nuclear war happens, it does not leave the stratosphere. 

It disseminates across our world. 

So a our things – plants and herbs and roots and seeds – you have to be very careful where you get it. 

Most of my career I focused a lot on detoxification and really helping clean out the environment.

Things I’ve worked on… You can go to the store and buy coffee or buy vitamins and they can have heavy metals, lead, mercury, horrible things in it. 

I don’t want to scare people.

Instead, I’ve worked on creating some things that hopefully will help people feel, look, and be better because we just all need to be as great as we can be. 

There’s no easy, one pill solution, right? 

Coffee was definitely something for me.  

People drink [it] every day, and if they’re going to drink it, I’m hoping they drink something that’s, free of mitotoxins, that has a good pH level, that is fair trade.

I had a whole list of things that were so important to me.

When Rahm Roast launched I was very happy because we ended up getting a 91% cup score. We worked really hard for that. Only 1% of the coffee in the world has a score that high.

But I think what was more important than a score, what’s that going to do for you? 

What really matters to me is that the coffee did not have toxins and the coffee did not have heavy metals and it hadn’t been exposed to GMOs or pesticides.

If my name was going to be on it it better be something that’s really helping people and making their life better. That was important to me.

Joe Winger: 

Two words you said a second ago, let’s connect them: coffee and detoxification.

What does that process look like for Rahm Roast?

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

I went all over, even to Ethiopia because [they] have great coffee.

I would meet with different coffee plantations and different owners trying to find a really good place. We ended up being able to find a place in Guatemala that was on top of a mountain, which had never been exposed to GMOs and pesticides.

The water’s clean, the air’s clean. 

It was a very isolated place.  We decided we wanted to partner with a business that was small.  All they cared about was making something that was just really unique and special.  [Unlike most other businesses] they were not worried about mass production.

They’re worried about making sure that it tastes good, which taste was important to us. 

But the biggest issue was let’s make sure that everything is fair trade, the organic, the vegan, we wanted everything. I wanted to be sustainable. 

For me, sustainable is not enough. 

We need to remediate things because you can to be sustainable. It’s not completely accurate, right? 

I have a lot of patents based on remediation of things and making sure that you’re not just detoxing, but you’re helping the plants and you’re helping everything grow.

Because we should have this much top soil [gestures to 6 inches] and now we have this much top soil [gestures to 2 inches] and there’s not enough nutrients in it that help the plants and the roots and the seeds.  They’re just not the same. 

We explored all of that and came up with a process to clean the beans and detox the beans of any kind of monotoxins, mold, fungus, bacteria, viruses, anything surrounding it. 

I developed that in 2015. I started by basically writing a series of patents that had to do with getting rid of nuclear waste.

The regeneration of land, air and water and the human body and also the reversal of aging.

What I’ve learned as a scientist and as a human being is to admit failure every day, and then to admit that I’m going to try to be better every day. 

And that’s what happened with the coffee. 

It was a one step process that involved a four day process to make the cleaning and it’s made from basically a zeolite silica trace mineral vitamin mixture which goes in and cleans the beans.  

I think that’s the reason our cup score is so high because the PH level basically getting rid of all those minor toxins, all the things, the beans that are harmful or could be harmful creates a ph level that is very conducive to our body.

I don’t know if you know this, but our Earth is composed of silica and water, right?

As humans, we are too. 

So when you put something in your body, you want to make it compatible bioavailable to the body. And I would say that’s another proprietary thing that I do. And I work on things I’m working on. 

Understanding the DNA of a coffee bean, and understanding our DNA and then understanding how they would work copacetically together.

Another thing that was really close to me that I actually have not talked about in any interview is the fact that. With coffee and coffee enemas and different things that people have, there’s like a 70 percent increase right now in colon cancer. It’s horrible. And I would credit that to the environment and to all the things we’re being exposed to.

And even vegans are getting colon cancer. Even younger people. You can look it up. 

It was in the New York Post, everything else. So I wanted a coffee that a doctor decided functional med doctors or doctors in other countries wanted to help with this area that could use it as a colon cleanse as well.

Again, I have not talked about that anywhere, but for me, it was essential because as a person that’s had so many different types of cancer, I want to put things in my body that will help my body. 

What’s interesting about what I do for a living now, I used to work in pharmaceutical and biotech and we could say.

We don’t cure bronchitis, but here’s zithromax to help with bronchitis and it does right from my perspective. 

Giving people things that make their body, make them achieve the greatest thing they can, that, which is to be their best self, it’s so important.

And if those things that we give them can also improve the cellular health of their body by making the healthy cells healthier and making the cancerous or the sick cells not even wanna be there, then that is a goal. 

There’s been all kinds of studies, there’s all kinds of information which shows that could be possible.

But again, the problem is in theory, yes, that can help people in different areas of health. 

But in reality, I don’t feel like it has because I think the coffee beans and coffee has been exposed to so many things in our environment that then sometimes we’re putting more toxins into our body. 

So that was really a major focus for me when I worked on the coffee.

We drink coffee every day and we deserve to have really good coffee. 

I’m not saying,me making spaghetti and saying my spaghetti is the “best spaghetti in the world.”

I will tell you that I’ve traveled to 89 countries and I’ve studied this for years and this has been a topic of mine since I was in my twenties, that has been important to me. 

Then my oldest son, my Mom used to give him the coffee with the sugar and the cream and he would just keep drinking it.

And I would get in an argument with my Mom about why are you giving my Son coffee now? 

He’s bouncing off the walls. He just loves it. 

So he put fire under my feet on it. I was like, I’m too busy working on all these other projects. 

He was like, “Mom, you have to make good coffee.”

Because some people drink four or five glasses a day. So it needs to be healthy for you. 

It’s just like water. If you’re going to drink water, you want to drink healthy water; and water is part of the process when I make the coffee too.  It’s a specific type of water that helps clean the beans. 

It’s interesting. I tried to do it in the United States. I could not find a master coffee maker that could do what I wanted.

I found one in Cyprus [Greece]. 

So I was in Cyprus introduced to an award winning coffee grinder coffee maker.

He’s won awards all over, [ he] understood my process, understood how to do it. 

Then after you tasted it, after it went through the process, he was like, this is amazing. This is the best coffee ever. And again, it makes sense.

Like when we’re healthy, we look better, right? 

When coffee beans are healthier, they taste better. They’re better. 

It’s just simple and I love it. 

I think it’s magical how science works and how all of our DNA is connected. We’re connected to a leaf on a tree. We’re also connected and able to bring coffee to the world that’s going to help people.

I think it is probably one of the things I’ve enjoyed the most in the last three to four years of my life.

Joe Winger: 

That’s beautiful.  Obviously you have a huge scientific background.  Our audience is into the flavor. Food, spirits, wine, coffee based on flavor. 

I’m sure you can understand how science can intimidate so many of us.

Is there a very simplified way of explaining what makes Rahm Roast good for the body, good for the planet? 

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

It’s like going to an organic farm up in the mountains where everything’s perfect and tasting a bite of a watermelon and it just tastes so great. 

Or of strawberries. 

When you go to these places on these islands that have never been exposed to GMOs and pesticides.

And you’re like, why does this taste better? 

Sometimes in the United States, you’ll buy a rose for someone and it doesn’t even smell like a rose, but then you’ll go to a tropical island where they don’t use GMOs or pesticides and it smells so beautiful.

This is the most beautiful rose. It smells so amazing. 

The coffee was made and sourced from a single source in a place that was the perfect environment that we could find. We looked everywhere. 

Then the process. That was made basically cleaning it until it was beautiful and perfect. It’s like you brush your teeth, you take a bath, you look better.

If you don’t shave or brush your teeth or take a bath for two years, then you may not look the same as you look today. 

This coffee has been cleaned in a very holistic way, organic way using only natural.

It tastes amazing. It tastes almost like chocolate.

It’s very smooth.

Using zeolites [like they] used to line the ducts of the Aztec and Incas and Mayas and the pyramids. It’s documented throughout history and all I did was take a process and make sure it was cleaning so that it would look beautiful.

I think it’s simple.

I sourced it from the most amazing place that had not been exposed to pesticides and GMOs, that was fair trade, that everything was a sole source farmer.

We knew everything about the history.  I want your audience to also know this. 

It’s not just the beans and the plants.  

It’s the parent plants and the genetics behind it. 

When you see race horses. They breed, right? You pay a lot of money if you have a winner from the Kentucky Derby.  Because it’s genetics. 

There’s a genetic component and there’s always this debate about genetics and the environment.

Which one’s better? 

And so to me, both are important. 

So I looked at the genetics of the plants and the seeds

I made sure the environment was a really good environment to raise a healthy environment to raise these amazing coffee beans. And then we just cleaned them and made them even more beautiful so that everyone could taste how amazing they are.

Scientists made GMOs to try to make plants bigger, better, right? That failed. 

So as a scientist I went back to school, I went to Harvard and studied nanobiotechnology for a very different reason than most people think. 

I studied to see how we could reverse it.

Things naturally from things that we’ve put into our world that weren’t natural, that have hurt us. 

Joe Winger: 

Incredibly inspirational.

From a corporate point of view, can you talk a little bit about what inspired you to pursue the social responsibility of the company?

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

In my career, I worked for the government. I’ve worked for a lot of the top pharmaceutical and biotech companies. 

I would say I failed at that in many ways.

Our economy depends on spending a lot of money on health care.

It was a hard time for me, but I never gave up. 

From my perspective. Since I had cancer, since I had Lyme’s disease, since I had a child that had cancer, I’ve devoted my life to trying to do the right thing.  I have an opportunity to be alive for a reason.

It was a blessing, even though I didn’t feel like it was a blessing when I was diagnosed. I have a warrior strength of fighting anything.

We’ve just got to be better humans, right? 

My goal is to make every person have the longest, best life possible.

That means mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And as a scientist, I feel like it’s on my shoulders and my responsibility to tell the truth and to do it in a positive way instead of being a whistleblower blowing things up. 

I want to offer these things that can help people.

About 8-9 years ago, I started really stepping up and talking about social issues, working on female empowerment. I just always try to talk about how we can empower.

When you have gifts, if you have influence, if you have money, if you have power, your job is to protect those weaker than you or that need help.

And somehow we’ve lost that in our move for success.

We think we don’t we forget about that. But for me, that’s my motive to make social change is to it’s my responsibility to be a good human. I’m going to die someday. And I’m going to have to answer for everything I’ve done on this earth.

So I have to try every day to be better. 

The coffee was something that was for a social change that I think we need to be aware of without scaring everyone. 

And so that has led me to move past that. To run companies. I have 22 companies actually under DRC ventures and a lot of people don’t know that. So there’s 22 companies that I’m actually in charge of right now, trying to make some good social changes in the world.

Joe Winger: 

For our audience who wants to learn more about your and Rahm Roast Coffee, what are the best ways? 

Dr. Christina Rahm: is my website.

I’m on social media at Instagram, LinkedIn

The root brand sells Rahm Roast at RahmRoast website.  We also donate from every bag of coffee to philanthropy as well. 

Vegas cocktails just got Sexier, Smokier — Bark and Barware Shows You How with Cocktail Smoker

Vegas cocktails just got cooler — Bark and Barware Shows You How with Cocktail Smoker

Bark and Barware enters the cocktail market with their premium cocktail smoker, including 6 flavors. 

Bark and Barware’s Harel Levy

Bark and Barware’s Harel Levy

Today, Bark and Barware’s Harel Levy joins us for a conversation about cocktails, creating your long-lasting drinking crew, picking the right flavors, the perfect pairings and more!

The below conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  Find the full conversation at our YouTube channel.


Joe Winger: Can you tell us a little bit about your story? And what inspired you to create this cocktail smoker kit?

Harel Levy:  I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last seven years. While there are no mistakes, I actually found [the cocktail smoker] by mistake. I was planning to buy something for my Dad. I usually won’t give something if it’s not 100%. So I’d rather not give a gift that I don’t really like.  Because I really care about what the recipient is going to feel. 

“I really love the idea of cocktail smoking kits. […]  It’s another tool to have a great night.

I don’t want to give something cheap, because if you really love someone, you really want to make sure that everything is spot on, right? 

Even on yourself, you will be more forgiven in terms of what you buy than someone else.

I really love the idea of cocktail smoking kits. It’s not that it’s only cool and it’s a great addition to having those nights with friends, with family.  It’s another tool to have a great night.

I went to Amazon and I saw there is no one who actually sells it in a premium, wooden box.  And with many flavors.  I talked with [my company’s] CEO about it, what’s missing here.

Bark & Barware's Smoker Kit

Bark & Barware’s Smoker Kit

We came up with a wooden box. It came from my passion to give something that looks good.

For almost a year, we went back and forth with factories. The smoke.  The flavor.  Details with the box.

When we released it, we were very happy.  We knew my criteria.  If I can give it to my Dad, not being afraid he’s not going to like it.  Then I know that other people are also going to enjoy it because I have high standards for giving a gift to someone that I love. That’s how we came up with the product and the product.

The second thing we are planning is to bring a mixologist,  make it a more holistic experience. 

Extend the journey with our customers, give them cocktails, give them recipes, give them ideas, The journey doesn’t end when the transaction happens for us. We want to continue to build trust and serve our customers.


Joe Winger: You have a very comprehensive website.  Can you walk us through your Cocktail Smoker Kit? When we buy it what do we get?

Harel Levy: There are six different chip flavors, the culinary torch, the smoke lid.  Ice tongs, whiskey stones. Unfortunately, we don’t include butane [gas for the torch] because shipping is very heavily regulated, 

“In every smoker kit you get six different chip flavors, the culinary torch, the smoke lid.  Ice tongs, whiskey stones.”

We have six flavors: cherry, oak, pear, maple, hickory and apple. Our plan is to listen to our customers and come up with new flavors based on what they ask for.  It’s not a one-time product release.  We’re going to offer refills, extensions, more.

Each taste is very delicate.  The world of wine, flavor, alcohol is so wide and you can get very specific sometimes. When you do get specific, you get the best results, right? 


Joe Winger: Has there been one or two major lessons you’ve learned?

Harel Levy: Initially we had more flavors. After we gave out samples and heard about which flavors were the favorite, we removed some. 

Joe Winger: You mentioned flavor pairing.  What’s your favorite cocktail pairing?

Harel Levy: It’s a tough question because taste is something that is extremely subjective.

We usually put it with scotch. That’s our personal preference.  Our customers get very creative with their ideas. That’s why we initially started with those six flavors. But listening to customer feedback, it’s going to grow and change.


Joe Winger: Over a year of research and development, were there any unexpected surprises?

Harel Levy: A lot of people agreed with me on the wooden box.  People started asking for smoke refills.  They’re going through the smoke faster than I thought.  When we launched, I was expecting this to be used for special occasions.  But people are using it every week, all the time.  


Joe Winger: In the past few weeks, I’ve been in Los Angeles, Brooklyn, New York, Philadelphia.  All those places have bars where they’re serving smoked drinks.  Now people want to have that experience at home.  

Harel Levy: That’s going to make you the hero of the party.  You’re the one who brings the cool stuff. I always like to do that. 

We really advise [anyone trying this] to taste all of the flavors. Not just one or two.   The spectrum of what flavors someone likes or doesn’t like is very wide.  You’re probably going to really like 1-2 [of the flavors], and less like the others.

Those 1-2 that you really like, we’re going to offer you refills.

When I host friends [at my house], I drink scotch and it goes well with cherry.

But it’s like a game.  You try a lot of things. You find out something that you’re really going to love.

“That’s going to make you the hero of the party.  You’re the one who brings the cool stuff.”

Joe Winger: This first kit is a starter kit or a sampler kit. I get those six flavors and I get to decide, “Oh my gosh, I really like this one. Now I need a refill.”

Harel Levy:  Exactly. It’s exciting me on a personal level because I’m curious […]. What’s going to make people upgrade a scotch that costs hundreds of dollars?

I can play with the flavor. That will upgrade an experience for the end customer cost hundreds of dollars. I did my part, right? And for them, they’re going to be over the moon. They’re going to be super happy. It’s just going to become one of their routine.

“What’s going to make people upgrade a scotch that costs hundreds of dollars?”

Joe Winger: There are smoking kits all over the place. Dozens of competitors on Amazon.  Why should someone choose Bark and Barware?

Harel Levy:  It’s the full experience that we offer. It starts with the package. Then the flavors. Most of our competitors offer four, we offer six. We tasted all of the competitors and our flavor is better.  Otherwise I would not have released the product.

Our post-purchase [experience] the recipes.  We’re working with a mixologist to just create a mini course to go with the kit, go with specific drinks. Customers are going to have access to all of it. How do I mix it? What should I mix it with? 

Joe Winger: What does the future of the brand look like?

Harel Levy: We’re planning to release big packages [re-fills] of each flavor. Second thing is the mini courses. We really want to inspire because that’s fun.  

The process of drinking with friends, the process of smoking. It’s a fun process. You sit on your balcony, with friends, you open a bottle of wine as well.  That’s a fun process. 

Our goal is to inspire. Someone [will realize they] like a specific cocktail.  We will give them all of the information on how to make it,  how to mix it, then we earn a customer for life. 

Joe Winger: You mentioned picking a cocktail is like picking a favorite kid. It’s so hard to do. What is your favorite cocktail to use with your smoker? 

Harel Levy: Yeah, so that’s a great question. I like the combination of the apple and scotch.

Joe Winger: Because you’re a foodie, are there any specific cocktail and food pairings that you really enjoy with any of your specific flavors?

Harel Levy: My favorite is having an apple flavored scotch with a ribeye. Someone I work with loves the hickory flavor.  That’s the beauty of this world, every person has their unique taste.

Shop for Bark and Barware’s Cocktail smoker hit on amazon here: 

Learn more at:

Vegas Goes Green! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the Return of Celtic Feis at New York-New York Hotel & Casino, March 17

Vegas Goes Green! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the Return of Celtic Feis at New York-New York Hotel & Casino, March 17

Day-Long Celebration Featuring Festive Parade, Live Entertainment, Traditional Irish Fare and More

Get ready to paint the town green as the Strip’s largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration, Celtic Feis, returns to New York-New York Hotel & Casino, March 17.

The popular annual Irish extravaganza will include a parade, live music, entertainment, traditional Irish Fare from Nine Fine Irishmen and much more. Festivities will begin at 10 a.m. with ticket prices starting at $20 per person.

“For more than a decade,

Celtic Feis has been a beloved tradition at New York-New York

and has become The Strip’s most vibrant St. Patrick’s Day celebration,”

Mike Neubecker

President & COO of New York-New York & MGM Grand

“Our team works hard to make each year better than the last and we look forward to having both locals and visitors enjoy this year’s festivities.”

Celtic Feis will kick into high gear with a foot parade led by a traditional Irish pipe band starting at the main valet entrance and continuing through the property to the celebration headquarters on the Brooklyn Bridge. The parade is complimentary and open to the public.



Guests can commemorate the day with exclusive merchandise for sale and Instagram-worthy photo opportunities. Live entertainment will continue on the Bridge through midnight.

Nine Fine Irishmen will serve its traditional Irish fare including signature dishes such as beer n’ cheese dip, shepherd’s pie, Irish bangers, corned beef and cabbage, and more.

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.




Inspired by the famous energy and landmarks of the iconic original, New York-New York offers all the excitement of the hotel’s namesake, from the thrilling Roller Coaster to tantalizing restaurants including Gallagher’s Steakhouse and Nine Fine Irishmen, an authentic pub offering the best of Irish drink, food and music.

New York-New York is home to Terry Fator’s “Who’s the Dummy Now?” and Mad Apple, a delicious, wickedly fun Cirque du Soleil cocktail of music, comedy, magic and mayhem putting NYC nightlife under the Las Vegas lights. Centrally located on the Las Vegas Strip and adjacent to The Park, New York-New York is home to a selection of Strip-front dining and retail destinations including a two-story flagship Hershey’s Chocolate World, Shake Shack and Tom’s Watch Bar.

New York-New York is operated by MGM Resorts International. For more information and reservations, visit, call toll free at (866) 815-4365, or find us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.


New Years Eve 2024: Las Vegas Delivers Big Stars, Big Flavor, Fabulous Fireworks

New Years Eve 2024: Las Vegas Delivers Big Stars, Entertainment, Fabulous Fireworks

New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas always promises a packed lineup of stellar entertainment. Fireworks will light up the desert sky while the world’s top entertainers take the stage throughout the destination.

Fireworks Fun

New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas will showcase spectacular fireworks with several resorts participating in the annual celebration. This year, a dazzling display will launch from the rooftops of:

Exciting Entertainment

From the music industry’s finest to world-class illusionists and hilarious comedians, the destination promises an impressive lineup to cap off an exceptional year of entertainment.

Late-night talk show hosts John Oliver and Seth Meyers join forces for a comedy show at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Stand-up comic Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias plays The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on Friday, Dec. 29 and Saturday, Dec. 30. Pop star Demi Lovato will perform at the venue for the year-closing show on Sunday, Dec. 31.

The Time of Your Life Festival offers performances by Beach WeatherBig GiganticBlackstreetCrazeEric ForbesKid ’n PlayThird Eye BlindTone Loc and Young MC at Fremont Street Experience on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Hip-hop artist Post Malone will be the first headliner at BleauLive Theater at Fontainebleau Las Vegas when he takes the stage Saturday, Dec. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 31.

Burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese continues her A Jubilant Revue residency at the Jubilee Theater at Horseshoe Las Vegas from Thursday, Dec. 28 through Sunday, Dec. 31.

Comedian Katt Williams takes the mic at Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino on Saturday, Dec. 30.

Dancer and entertainer Derek Hough brings his Symphony of Dance production to Pearl Theater at Palms Casino Resort on Thursday, Dec. 28. Hip-hop band The Roots follow with a concert at the venue on Friday, Dec. 29.

Entertainer Bruno Mars is back for more residency dates at Dolby Live at Park MGM on Thursday, Dec. 28; Saturday, Dec. 30; and Sunday, Dec. 31.

Original American Idol Kelly Clarkson returns for additional residency dates at Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Saturday, Dec. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 31.

Country artist Luke Bryan continues his residency at Resorts World Theatre at Resorts World Las Vegas from Friday, Dec. 29 through Sunday, Dec. 31.

Actors and singers Seth McFarlane and Liz Gillies team up for a show at Myron’s at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, Dec. 30.

Hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas play The Venetian Theatre at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas on Saturday, Dec. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 31. Nearby at the resort, pop vocalist Christina Aguilera kicks off a limited engagement at Voltaire Belle de Nuit with shows on Saturday, Dec. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 31.

World-renowned illusionist David Blaine debuts his new IMPOSSIBLE residency at the Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas on Friday, Dec. 29, with shows continuing through Sunday, Dec. 31.

Noteworthy Nightlife

Las Vegas features some of the world’s most exhilarating nightclubs, where famed DJs routinely bring their talents—and the lineup only elevates on New Year’s Eve.

AREA15 presents its New Year’s Eve MasqueRave, featuring sets by Boris BrejchaAnn Clue and Moritz Hoffbauer, on Sunday, Dec. 31.

JEWEL Nightclub at ARIA Resort & Casino presents a set by Lil Jon on Sunday, Dec. 31.

OMNIA Nightclub at Caesars Palace presents sets by Illenium on Saturday, Dec. 30 and Steve Aoki on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Commonwealth presents a set by Nick Bike on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Marquee Nightclub at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas presents a set by Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’s DJ Pauly D Sunday, Dec. 31.

Discopussy presents Defected Records’ “6 Degrees of Celebration” NYE, featuring sets by Harry Romero and Arielle Free, on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Hakkasan Nightclub at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino presents a set by Loud Luxury on Friday, Dec. 29.

The Grounds at Resorts World Las Vegas presents the Forever Midnight festival on Saturday, Dec. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 31. The resort’s Zouk Nightclub presents sets by RL Grime on Thursday, Dec. 28; Odesza on Friday, Dec. 29; Zedd on Saturday, Dec. 30; and Kaskade on Sunday, Dec. 31.

TAO Nightclub at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas presents sets by Whoo Kid on Saturday, Dec. 30 and O.T. Genasis on Sunday, Dec. 31.

XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas presents sets by Gryffin on Friday, Dec. 29; Diplo on Saturday, Dec. 30; and The Chainsmokers on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Fabulous Fêtes

Visitors and locals alike will ring in 2024 on New Year’s Eve at rooftop parties with prime views of the midnight fireworks and unique, ‘Only Vegas’ celebrations.

The Beverly Theater presents Meet Harry and Sally at the Beverly, a special screening of the New Year’s Eve movie favorite When Harry Met Sally complete with concessions packages and a post-show reception with live jazz, charcuterie and a champagne toast.

Legacy Club at Circa Resort & Casino puts on a Sky High Celebration, complete with views of the fireworks from the resort’s 60th floor. The event features passed hors d’oeuvres, photo-worthy cocktails, live music and fire pit seating.

The Ice Rink at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas presents its annual New Year’s Eve Fireworks Viewing Party, which features an open bar, DJ set, skate rentals and a complimentary midnight champagne toast.

Foundation Room Lounge at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino offers sweeping views of the fireworks from the resort’s 63rd floor. Nearby at the resort, S Bar puts on A Lavish Affair featuring live entertainment, food and beverage, a champagne toast and “surprises” throughout the evening.

Ghostbar at Palms Casino Resort offers views from the 55th floor of the resort, indoor and outdoor seating and music from a local resident DJ.

Cabo Wabo Cantina at Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino will ring in 2024 with premium beverage packages and panoramic views of the Las Vegas Strip from its patio and loft.

Rouge Room at Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa will host a New Year’s Eve party featuring live entertainment from Franky and the All-Nighters and a midnight champagne toast.

Eight Lounge at Resorts World Las Vegas will host football watch parties leading up to its New Year’s Eve Party, which features DJ Coffin Candy and a midnight champagne toast. Gatsby’s Cocktail Lounge, also at Resorts World Las Vegas, presents the day’s football action followed by a glitzy New Year’s Eve Party featuring DJ Kid Funk and a champagne toast provided by Moet & Chandon.

VooDoo Lounge at Rio Hotel & Casino puts on a Fireworks Viewing Party complete with an open bar, passed hors d’oeuvres and cityscape views from the resort tower’s 50th and 51st floors.

The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower will host a New Year’s Eve “Party at the Top” in its indoor Observation Deck, complete with views of the fireworks, party favors and live entertainment from  local DJs.

Getting Around

The Las Vegas Monorail will be open round-the-clock for New Year’s Eve, offering locals and visitors the only motorized method of transportation along the Las Vegas Strip, which will be closed to all traffic in the hours leading up to 2024.

The Monorail will operate continuously from 7 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 31 until 2 a.m. Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024, for a total of 43 straight hours.

Locals can purchase $1 single-ride tickets at customer service booths located at every station (except Boingo Station at Las Vegas Convention Center) from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 31 with proof of Nevada I.D. For out-of-town guests, one-ride tickets are $6.

The Monorail also offers an eTicket discount on unlimited-ride passes starting at $13.45 for a 24-hour pass, which can be purchased online.

Monorail ticket holders looking for things to do in the destination over the holiday weekend are invited to take advantage of the “Show Your Ticket & Save” program, which provides discounts on shows, attractions, restaurants and more.



NYE Weddings in Las Vegas

With New Year’s Eve 2023 expected to be an extraordinarily popular wedding date in the Wedding Capital of the World™, the destination will open a pop-up Marriage License Bureau at Harry Reid International Airport (Terminal 1) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Tuesday, Dec. 26 through Sunday, Dec. 31.

New Year’s Eve—or 12/31/23—includes the rare numerical sequence of 1-2-3-1-2-3, which is considered to be an especially appealing date for those planning their nuptials. Consequently, area chapels are experiencing high bookings for that date. This occasion marks the fifth time the Clerk’s Office will open a temporary Marriage License Bureau at the airport.



The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide and with operating the 4.6 million square-foot Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). With more than 150,000 hotel rooms and more than 15 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space in Las Vegas alone, the LVCVA’s mission centers on attracting leisure and business visitors to the area. The LVCVA also owns the Vegas Loop at Las Vegas Convention Center, designed and operated by The Boring Company, and also owns the Las Vegas Monorail, an elevated 3.9-mile system with seven stops throughout the resort corridor. For more information, go to or

Boulder City, Laughlin and Mesquite Deck The Halls this Holiday Season with Family Entertainment and Festive Light Shows

Boulder City, Laughlin and Mesquite Deck The Halls this Holiday Season with Family Entertainment and Festive Light Shows

It’s the most wonderful time of year as Boulder City, Laughlin and Mesquite celebrate the start of the season with festive parades, spectacular holiday lights and family fun with Santa Claus.

Upcoming holiday events include:


  • A Polar Express Dance Extravaganza (Dec. 9)
    Experience the joy of the season with holiday dance performances at 2pm and 4:30pm by Dance Etc. inside the Historic Boulder Theatre.
  • “Comfort & Joy” Red Mountain Choir Concert (Dec. 15-16) 
    Ring in the season and sing along to the holiday classics with this festive annual concert event at the Elaine K. Smith Center in Boulder City.
  • Santa Trains (Dec. 9-10, 16-17, 23)
    A family tradition since 2002, Santa returns for some holiday fun on the daytime Santa Trains. Tickets are available first come, first served where guests can enjoy the festive attraction.
  • Boulder City North Pole Express (Dec. 8-10, 15-17, 19-20)
    Escape to a winter wonderland with friends and family during an evening magical train ride with Santa on the North Pole Express. The 40-minute experience features storytelling, hot chocolate and cookies, and a visit from St. Nick.


  • Christmas on the Colorado Boat Parade (Dec. 16)
    Let your holiday spirit set sail with the Parade of Lights on the Colorado River hosted by the Laughlin and Bullhead Area Chambers of Commerce. The festive parade line will launch from Bullhead Community Park and travel north to the Laughlin Bridge, turning around for a pass by Laughlin’s resort corridor.
  • 12th Annual Christmas Tree Silent Auction (Now through Dec. 20)
    Aquarius Casino Resort and Edgewater Casino Resort are spreading holiday cheer with their 12th Annual Christmas Tree Auction benefitting the Feed A Family initiative. Guests and visitors can enjoy the silent auction that will feature nine decorated and displayed Christmas trees adorned with festive ornaments, shimmering lights and individual unique themes. This year’s tree themes include Winter Wonderland, All About Christmas, Sweet Treats, Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen, A Vintage Christmas, Bear Jamboree, Route 66, Under the Sea and Patriotic.
  • The Nutcracker Ballet (Dec. 14-17)
    The holiday season comes to life at Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino for the Anaheim Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker, the classic heartwarming tale of Clara and her Nutcracker doll who changes her woeful winter into a feast in Candyland.


  • Christmas Boutique (Now through Dec. 29)
    Find one-of-a-kind gifts at the VVAA Annual Christmas Boutique at the Mesquite Fine Arts Center, which will feature unique gifts, pottery, stationery, art and other handmade treasures created by local artists.


About Mesquite
Close to home and yet a world away! Mesquite is located 90 miles north of Las Vegas and offers visitors an excitingly laid-back experience. Choose from several fabulous championship golf courses; explore astonishing, nearby national and state parks; or lounge by a sparkling pool. If you’d rather play indoors, then unwind and be pampered at a luxurious day-spa, practice your skill at bowling, dance the night away, or try your luck at the tables and slot machines. For more information on the destination, visit

About Laughlin
Located 90 miles south of Las Vegas, Laughlin is a unique resort destination with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that welcomes nearly 2 million visitors annually. This oasis along the Colorado River boasts many options for water sports and boating activities, including eight resorts with stunning accommodations that offer fine dining, spa experiences, golfing, and a close proximity to the recreational paradise known as Heritage Trails. Laughlin has also become a leading special event destination in the Southwest. For more information, visit

About Boulder City
Boulder City is known as a green oasis in the desert. Located approximately 20 miles from the glitter and excitement of Las Vegas and just a few miles from the grandeur of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, the destination offers a quiet, relaxed living environment. Boulder City takes pride in its quality recreational facilities such as Bootleg Canyon mountain bike trails, Boulder City Golf Course, and Boulder Creek Golf Club. For more information, visit

The Holiday Season is Merry and Bright in Las Vegas with Festive Events and Entertainment

The Holiday Season is Merry and Bright in Las Vegas with Festive Events and Entertainment

The holiday season in Las Vegas is unlike anywhere else. Spectacular light displays sprinkle the Strip, and unique and festive experiences await throughout the destination. Here is how to make the most of the holidays in Vegas this year.

Holiday Decorations and Activities

The holiday display at the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens at Bellagio Resort & Casino runs Saturday, Dec. 2 through Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024. Themed to The Nutcracker, the attraction will replicate iconic scenes from the classic Tchaikovsky ballet with awe-inspiring floral displays.

The Ice Rink returns to The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, bringing 4,200 square feet of real ice to the resort’s rooftop Boulevard Pool. Running through Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024, the attraction features open-air fire pits, charming décor, a menu of seasonal bites and beverages and special events.

The Holiday Cactus Garden at Ethel M Chocolates features millions of sparkling holiday lights across three acres of desert landscaping. Running through Sunday, Dec. 31, the experience is complete with sweet treats, hot chocolate and visits from Santa.

Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas brings back its Holiday Afternoon Tea for the season, taking place on Fridays and Saturdays in December through Saturday, Dec. 23. The service features herbal teas, champagne, seasonal desserts and music from a live pianist.

Winter at the Terrace returns to Green Valley Ranch Resort Spa & Casino through the winter season. The holiday-themed pop-up lounge offers cozy igloos and fire pits, twinkling lights, cheerful music and photo opportunities.

Enchant Christmas is again lighting up Las Vegas Ballpark with larger-than-life light displays through Sunday, Dec. 31. The experience features the World’s Largest Christmas Light Maze and Village, a visit from Santa, seasonal food and beverages, an artisan marketplace, entertainment and more.

The drive-thru light experience, Glittering Lights, returns to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway through Sunday, Jan. 7 with more than 5 million LED lights and over 600 animated, sparkling displays. A portion of each ticket sold benefits Speedway Children’s Charities, which offers funds to 50+ local charities each year.

M Resort Spa Casino offers a new holiday experience this year with Rockin’ Christmas, a drive-through, animated light show that is being billed as “the world’s largest.” Running through Sunday, Dec. 31, the mile-long ride of sights and sounds features millions of LED lights and hundreds of moving displays.

Rouge Room at Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa will celebrate the holidays with Rouge Wonderland through Saturday, Dec. 30. The venue transforms with festive holiday décor, Instagram-worthy photo opportunities, fire pits, frosty treats and a merry lineup of seasonal cocktails.

Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall brings back its Mystic Falls Park winter wonderland display, featuring festive décor, more than 26,000 points of light and a nine-minute holiday laser light show. The holiday attraction runs through Monday, Jan. 1, 2024.

The Sand Dollar Lounge brings back Miracle on Spring Mountain at its original location and Sippin’ Santa On Main at its sister lounge at Plaza Hotel & Casino. Running through Sunday, Dec. 31, the fully immersive holiday experiences are complete with themed cocktails and nearly $100,000 in over-the-top holiday decorations.

The Shady Grove Lounge at Silverton Casino Hotel will transform into the BAD ELF Pop-Up Bar through Monday, Jan. 1, 2024. The decked-out space offers photo opportunities, holiday cocktails and a BAD ELF Experience package complete with drinks, souvenir glasses and the BAD ELF Puzzle Hunt game.

Holiday Entertainment

AREA15 brings back a unique viewing experience of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. Held on select dates through Saturday, Dec. 30 at The Portal, the experience features choreographed light and sound elements synced to the cult classic movie inside the 360-degree, projection-mapped venue.

Tournament of Kings: ’Twas the Knight returns for another year at Excalibur Hotel & Casino on select dates through Monday, Dec. 25. The medieval jousting show gets a winter wonderland makeover for the season with holiday music, festive decorations and costumes. A three-course meal completes the dinner show experience.

The Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino adds the Big Man in Red to the mix (and his helper, “Santa Jaws”) with Santa in the Shipwreck. Running Saturday, Dec. 16 to Sunday, Dec. 24, visitors can watch a SCUBA suited Santa dive into the attraction for a unique holiday photo opportunity.

America’s Got Talent-winning ventriloquist Terry Fator brings his holiday show back to New York-New York Hotel & Casino on select dates through Saturday, Dec. 30. A Very Terry Christmas features the longtime Vegas headliner and his funny friends performing holiday duets, with each voice tackling a different holiday classic.

Nevada Ballet Theatre’s The Nutcracker plays at Reynolds Hall at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on select dates from Friday, Dec. 8 to Sunday, Dec. 24. The production of the classic Christmas tale features larger-than-life sets, choreography by former NBT Artistic Director James Canfield and “snowflakes” falling from the sky.

Country singer LeAnn Rimes brings Joy: The Holiday Tour to The Venetian Theatre at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas on Friday, Dec. 15 and Saturday, Dec. 16. The GRAMMY Award-winning star will perform a mix of holiday songs, some of her greatest hits and material from her latest album, God’s Work.

A Swingin’ Little Christmas lands at Myron’s at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, Dec. 15 and Saturday, Dec. 16. Comedians and actresses Jane Lynch and Kate Flannery—of Glee and The Office fame, respectively—are joined by actor/singer Tim Davis in this heartwarming and hilarious holiday extravaganza featuring a delightful blend of comedy and music.

The Radio City Rockettes’ famed kicking line will be visible in the desert this holiday season, as the dancers will be featured on the recently opened Sphere. Known for its beloved Christmas spectacular at the iconic Radio City Music Hall, the group will be featured daily on its fully programmable exosphere, marking the first time it has featured dancing wrapped 360 degrees around the venue.


The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide and with operating the 4.6 million square-foot Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). With more than 150,000 hotel rooms and more than 15 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space in Las Vegas alone, the LVCVA’s mission centers on attracting leisure and business visitors to the area. The LVCVA also owns the Vegas Loop at Las Vegas Convention Center, designed and operated by The Boring Company, and also owns the Las Vegas Monorail, an elevated 3.9-mile system with seven stops throughout the resort corridor. For more information, go to or

Super Bowl LVIII: Ochocinco and Tobe Nwigwe join Las Vegas to Encourage Excessive Celebration

Las Vegas Launches Encourages Excessive Celebration at Super Bowl LVIII

Las Vegas, the Official Host City of Super Bowl LVIII, has launched a petition on urging football fans to encourage excessive celebration during the city’s first foray into hosting the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024. The petition was accompanied by a music video featuring former NFL All-Pro wide receiver Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson and Grammy-nominated artist Tobe Nwigwe.

The petition is a nod to the fact that while professional sports often restrict excessive celebrations, they are always encouraged in Las Vegas. “Whether you are on the Strip, in the stadiums, or just here for a good time, Las Vegas will forever be the home of excessive celebration,” reads the petition in part.

“Las Vegas is built for celebration,” said Steve Hill, president and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA). “People come to Vegas because they know that the excitement surrounding the game is just as important as the game itself. Whether they travel to watch the game in person or at a viewing party, fans know they will be surrounded by energy that is simply unmatched anywhere else in the world. As we prepare to welcome the Super Bowl for the first time, we are determined to show the world that when it comes to celebration, Las Vegas is in a category of one.”

Las Vegas is also partnering with late-night host Jimmy Kimmel to spread the word. The former Las Vegas local is supporting the destination’s initiative, including a special appearance by Johnson on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night on ABC.

The 90 second music video—which will also be released in :30, :15 and :06 spots—includes re-creations of some of Johnson’s most iconic on-field moments, including his impromptu marriage proposal, river dance, and his unforgettable Hall of Fame jacket moment. The music video was shot in iconic locations across Las Vegas including Allegiant Stadium, Caesars Palace, Fremont Street Experience among others. The accompanying soundtrack includes an original track by artist and actor Nwigwe, who also was once a college football star being considered for the NFL Draft.

The Johnson and Nwigwe-led commercial spot will premiere on broadcast Thursday, Nov. 23 at 1:30 p.m. PST during the Thanksgiving Day game between the Washington Commanders and Dallas Cowboys.

The full video will also be featured on the Visit Las Vegas YouTube channel and all other social media platforms. The video and larger campaign were ideated and produced by R&R Partners, the brand agency of record for the LVCVA.

For more information about Las Vegas, please visit


The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide and with operating the 4.6 million square-foot Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). With more than 150,000 hotel rooms and more than 15 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space in Las Vegas alone, the LVCVA’s mission centers on attracting leisure and business visitors to the area. The LVCVA also owns the Vegas Loop at Las Vegas Convention Center, designed and operated by The Boring Company, and also owns the Las Vegas Monorail, an elevated 3.9-mile system with seven stops throughout the resort corridor. For more information, go to or

Autumn Adventures and Entertainment Are Just a Quick Trip from Las Vegas

Autumn Adventures and Entertainment Are Just a Quick Trip from Las Vegas

As the weather starts to cool down, activities are heating up just outside Las Vegas. Visitors looking to escape for a day can find star-studded entertainment and a variety of exciting outdoor activities in Boulder City, Laughlin and Mesquite this fall.

Can’t-miss events and activities include:

Boulder City

  • American Rail Bikes
    Take a ride and experience the thrill and excitement on an 8 mile excursion on a custom built rail bike through the picturesque landscape of southern Nevada. The adventure departs from the Nevada State Railroad Museum and travels west through the desert to the Railroad Pass Casino before returning to Boulder City.
  • Get Out on The Green
    With three stunning courses, visitors can enjoy a little bit of everything in Boulder City. Featuring towering red mountain peaks and lush fairways, Cascata Golf Club is one of Nevada’s premier golf destinations. The meticulously manicured, 72-par course offers stunning vistas at every turn and a luxurious 37,000-square-foot clubhouse, ideal for relaxing when not on the green. Boulder Creek Golf Club is a public, 27-hole facility created for golfers of every skill level. Oasis-themed holes feature palm trees, beach bunkers, lakes and waterfalls. Golfers can also check out Boulder City Golf Course for wide-open fairways, two lakes and a clubhouse, as well as a driving range where visitors can practice their swing or take golf lessons.
  • Lake Mead National Recreation Area
    Famous for its connection to the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the United States. Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LMNRA) is made up of the 112-mile-long lake, and includes trails, scenic drives, and campsites for those looking for a quick outdoor escape. Adventure outfitter companies like Vegas Glass Kayaks, Blazin’ Paddles and Evolution Expeditions offer a variety of kayaking options for every skill level and desired experience. Visitors can partake in leisurely tours through Black Canyon or excursions from the Hoover Dam down the Colorado River. The recreation area is open year round, 24 hours a day.
  • Gold Strike Hot Springs
    The two-mile trek through Gold Strike Canyon leads to a collection of hot springs right next to the Colorado River. The trail is recommended for advanced hikers due to the steep 600-foot descent through the canyon, which incorporates eight ropes to help navigate down. Peppered through the canyon are pockets of hot pools, grottos and waterfalls.
  • River Mountains Loop Trail
    Great for hiking, climbing and cycling, this 34-mile-long trail connects Lake Mead NRA with the Las Vegas valley. The long loop winds through the quaint town of Boulder City before quickly escaping to the more primitive desert surrounding the River Mountains. Visitors can enjoy views of Lake Mead here, with several places to pause and admire the scenery. The trail then winds through Henderson before returning to Boulder City.
  • Art Mural Walking Tour
    Visitors can enjoy Boulder City’s eclectic art scene by simply taking a leisurely stroll around the small town. To navigate the town’s sculptures and vibrant murals, a downloadable map is available that highlights artists’ works. For a step-by-step tour and in-depth look at each sculpture and mural, visitors can download the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce app.
  • Desert Adventures
    Desert Adventures provides unforgettable day trips, including hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, ATV tours, horseback riding, ziplines, and adventures in nearby national parks, Zion, Bryce Canyon, and the Grand Canyon. Known for its expertise in paddling, the company has 175 boats in their fleet, as well as other camping and outdoor gear available to rent.


  • Rock Out on The River
    • Tim McGraw – Saturday, Oct. 21
      GRAMMY Award-winning entertainer, author and actor Tim McGraw will take the stage at Laughlin Event Center.
    • Sir Rod Stewart – Friday, Nov. 3
      With over 250 million records sold worldwide, Sir Rod Stewart will grace the stage with his timeless hits at Laughlin Event Center.
    • Frankie Avalon – Friday, Nov. 17- Sunday, Nov. 19
      Fans can sing along to Frankie Avalon’s No. 1 hits like “Why”, “Venus” and “Beauty School Dropout” at Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort.
    • Matt Fraser – Saturday, Nov. 25
      Celebrity medium and psychic Matt Fraser will shock the audience with his jaw-dropping readings at Edgewater Casino Resort.
    • Larry The Cable Guy – Saturday, Dec. 2
      Larry the Cable Guy will “Git-R-Done” as he takes on Laughlin at the Edgewater Casino Resort.
  • Hike the Colorado River Heritage Greenway Trail
    Visitors can hike in the picturesque desert wilderness and enjoy 10.5 miles of light trails that run alongside the Colorado River. The paths feature unique desert wildlife and natural formations along the way, all while taking visitors to the base of Davis Dam, a wonder of American engineering.
  • Get Out on the Green
    With six courses in three states, golf enthusiasts have a plethora of options when planning an enjoyable golf outing in Laughlin. Each of the courses offer impeccably manicured greens, unique character, and options for golfers of all skill levels. With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, golfers can hit the green year-round at courses including El Rio Golf Club, Huukan Golf Club, Laughlin Ranch Golf Club, Los Lagos Golf Club, Mojave Resort Golf Club and Rivers Edge Golf Club.
  • Explore the Laughlin Labyrinths
    Discover the beauty and serenity of the Laughlin desert by exploring the nearby labyrinths, which consist of nine stone mazes within a quarter-mile radius, ranging from 25-55 feet. Visitors can check out the collection’s newest additions: a 36-foot, seven-circuit octagon and a 33-foot, seven-circuit square labyrinth. Marked by a monument marker with a purple etched disc, the labyrinths can be found on the east side of Thomas Edison Drive, between Bruce Woodbury and Casino Drives, a quarter mile from the intersection.
  • Cruise the Colorado River
    With a wide variety of river tours and rentals, visitors can enjoy the Colorado River feature in more ways than one. London Bridge Jet Boat Tours allows guests to experience the river and all its wonder in a sleek and quick jet boat. Those looking for a more relaxed tour of the river can either enjoy the only dinner cruise on the Colorado River by Laughlin River Tours, or board the U.S.S. Riverside for a guided excursion detailing the history of the Colorado River region.


  • Nevada Open Golf Tournament (Tuesday, Nov. 7-Thursday, Nov. 9)
    With over 40 years of championship history, the Nevada Open is one of the most respected and anticipated golf tournaments in the state. With a $150,000 prize purse, the championship round will take place at the CasaBlanca Golf Club on Thursday, Nov. 9.
  • CasaBlanca II-Man (Friday, Nov. 10-Sunday, Nov. 12)
    This year, the CasaBlanca II-Man golf tournament will be expanding to take up to 150 teams. Taking place across three stunning golf courses—CasaBlanca Golf Club, Conestoga Golf Club and Palms Golf Club—the tournament will offer Gross and Net Flights, as well as 6 flights with a full field of 150 teams.
  • The Desert Ranch Experience by Camel Safari
    Visitors can experience the desert in a new and unique way at this ranch situated on 176 acres along the Virgin River. With tours available via tram or ATV. participants will learn about and interact with several exotic animals such as camels, sloths, llamas and sand cats.



About Mesquite
Close to home and yet a world away! Mesquite is located 90 miles north of Las Vegas and offers visitors an excitingly laid-back experience. Choose from several fabulous championship golf courses; explore astonishing, nearby national and state parks; or lounge by a sparkling pool. If you’d rather play indoors, then unwind and be pampered at a luxurious day-spa, practice your skill at bowling, dance the night away, or try your luck at the tables and slot machines. For more information on the destination, visit

About Laughlin
Located 90 miles south of Las Vegas, Laughlin is a unique resort destination with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that welcomes nearly two million visitors annually. This oasis along the Colorado River boasts many options for water sports and boating activities, including eight resorts with stunning accommodations that offer fine dining, spa experiences, golfing, and a close proximity to the recreational paradise known as Heritage Trails. Laughlin has also become a leading special event destination in the Southwest. For more information:

About Boulder City
Boulder City is known as a green oasis in the desert. Located approximately 20 miles from the glitter and excitement of Las Vegas and just a few miles from the grandeur of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, the destination offers a quiet, relaxed living environment. Boulder City takes pride in its quality recreational facilities such as Bootleg Canyon mountain bike trails, Boulder City Golf Course, and Boulder Creek Golf Club. For more information visit,

Las Vegas Monorail Announces “Show Your Ticket and Save” Program

Las Vegas Monorail Announces “Show Your Ticket and Save” Program

The Las Vegas Monorail, one of the most convenient modes of transportation along the famous Las Vegas Strip, has announced the newest way to save on experiences in Las Vegas.

With its new promotion, “Show Your Ticket and Save,” guests who purchase a monorail pass will receive access to discounted tickets to attractions around the destination, including the High Roller, Papillon Helicopter Tours, FlyOver Vegas and more. As a zero-emission option, patrons capitalizing on this promotion can feel good about helping the environment and their wallets.

Current “Show Your Ticket and Save” participants include:

More information about the “Show Your Ticket and Save” program and specific participant offers can be found here.

The Las Vegas Monorail features seven stops along the east side of the Las Vegas Strip and offers tourists and locals alike a convenient and economical option for transportation through the resort corridor.

As a 100 percent electric and zero-emission system, the Monorail helps to reduce emissions by more than 27 tons per year.

Ticket options include one-way fares and unlimited ride passes to suit any need, and tickets purchased through provide an additional discount. Standard hours of operation include Monday from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m., Tuesday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. and Friday through Sunday from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m.